Latest News

Aug 6th, 2024

A new collaborative paper on reconfigurable optical sensor for metal-ion-mediated label-free recognition of different biomolecular targets has been published on ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c08860). The paper is open access and accessible here: link

Feb 26th, 2024

Prof. Barillaro gave a lecture about "Implantable and bioresorbable chemical sensors" at the COST Action 20216 NETPORE Winter School in Turin, Italy. Enjoyed to engage with brilliant and bright students and colleagues. Thanks to the organisers for the invitation.

Oct 30th, 2023

Prof. G. Barillaro gives an invited presentation about "Implantable and bioresorbable chemical sensors for in-vivo monitoring of clinical-diagnostic markers" developed with the RESORB project at the International conference IEEE Sensors held in Vienna, Austria. Great audience and fantastica engagement with young and senior researchers. Thanks to the organizers for the kind invitation.

Sept 6th through 8th, 2023

Prof. T. Djenizian, partner of the RESORB project at the Ecole des Mines, visited  the Barillaro's lab. Interesting brain storming on new bioresorbable technologies to develop within the project. 

July 24th and Aug 4th, 2023

Prof. G. Barillaro gives two seminar at the Department of Chemistry and biochemistry of the University of California San Diego on "Ex-vivo and in-vivo optical sensing with porous silicon", where major results of the RESORB project were highlighted. Great interaction with student and researchers. Thanks to Prof. M. J. Sailor for the kind invitation.

July 17th, 2023

Our PI, Prof. G. Barillaro visited the University of California Los Angeles and gave a seminar about the RESORB project engaging with talented students and amazing researchers.  Building exciting new connections with researchers from various disciplines and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration on bioresorbable materials and applications. Thanks to Prof. Heather Maynar for the kind invitation.

June 3rd, 2023

Prof. G. Barillaro held a seminar about RESORB's project and results on implantable and bioresorbable porous silicon sensors at the National Centre For Scientific Research Demokritos, Athens, Greece. New ground for collaborative research on biodegradable materials and application has been setup.Thanks to Dr. Christos Trapalis for the kind invitation!

May 30th, 2023

Prof. G. Barillaro gave an invited presentation entitled "Implantable and bioresorbable chemical sensors for in-vivo real-time tracking of analytes of clinical interest" at the 243rd ElectroChemical Society (ECS) Meeting held in Boston, USA.

May 24th, 2023

Our last paper on the "Vapour-Phase Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers on Nanostructured Materials at Room-Temperature" by E. Mazzotta, T. Di Giulio, S. Mariani, M. Corsi, C. Malitesta, G. Barillaro
Small, 2023, 2302274 (DOI: 10.1002/smll.202302274) is now available open-access here: link

May 4th, 2023

A new paper on RESORB outcomes about the vapor-phase preparation of  synthetic molecularly imprinting polymer for protein detection has been accepted for publication on SMALL-Wiley. Great collaboration between Mazzotta's group at UNISAL  and Barillaro's group at UNIPI.

Apr 26th, 2023 

Prof. G. Barillaro gave a keynote presentation entitled "Implantable and bioresorbable chemical sensors for in-vivo tracking of clinical/diagnostic markers" at the international conference Nanospain 2023 held in Tarragona, Spain.

Mar 28th, 2023

The 3rd technical meeting of RESORB has been held on Mar 28th, 2023 in Gardanne hosted by Prof. T. Djenizian at the Ecole des Mines. We touched the base on the scientific results and challenges of the RESORB project after 1 year of activity. 

Mar 12nd, 2023

Prof. G. Barillaro gave an oral presentation at the WG2-Health meeting of the NETPORE Cost Action held in Tel Aviv, where he talked also about the RESORB project, activities, and results.

Feb 8th, 2023

The 2nd technical meeting of RESORB has been held on Feb 8th, 2023 in Lecce hosted by Prof. E. Mazzotta at the University of Salento. Great advances and novel results on bioresorbable materials and devices towards in-vivo chemical sensing systems!

Jan 31st, 2023

Prof. G. Barillaro participated to the EIC & EMA Info Day. Interesting!

Dec 12nd, 2022

Martina's and Alessandro's paper on "Wireless and Flexible Optoelectronic System for In-Situ Monitoring of VaginalpH Using a Bioresorbable Fluorescence Sensor" has been accepted on Advanced Materials Technologies. Great Job!

Nov 1st, 2022

Dr. Ankush Bhatia started a postdoc position in the group of Prof. T. Djenizian @Ecole De Mines on biodegradable batteries. Welcome aboard.

Nov 1st, 2022

Prof. G. Barillaro held a seminar about RESORB's project results on implantable and bioresorbable nanostructured porous silicon sensors at the Dpt of Chemistry of TCU  - @TcuChemistry - in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. Thanks to Jeff Coffer -  @CofferResearch - for the kind invitation! 

Oct 31st, 2022

Great talk of Martina Corsi at the IEEE SENSORS2022 conference in Dallas, Texas, USA on implantable and bioresorbable nanostructured fluorescence sensor for in vivo pH monitoring. Martina, you nailed it!

Oct 13rd, 2022

Prof. G. Barillaro talked about the RESORB project @COST_NETPORE  webinar speaking on imaging and biosensors.

Sept 30th, 2022

The RESORB project - @resorb_project - has been invited to talk about bioresorbable materials and sensors @brightnightIT with @GBarillaro_Pi and the team of researchers of @DII_Pisa @Unipisa. Cool!

Sept 23rd, 2022

The 1st technical meeting of RESORB has been held on Sept 23rd, 2022 in Lisbon hosted by Prof. J. Morgado at the Instituto de Telecomunicações - @itnewspt. A full day of breakthrough research on bioresorbable materials and devices!

Sept 1st, 2022

Welcome to Dr. Salvatore Surdo and Dr. Tiziano Di Giulio, joining the RESORB project @GBarillaro_Pi team at the University of Pisa and the Mazzotta's team at the University of Salento, respectively.

Aug 3rd, 2022

The RESORB project is in the newspaper Repubblica Salute - E con un sensore sottopelle sapremo se i farmaci fanno effetto - with the bioresorbable pH sensor developed by the @GBarillaro_Pi team @DII_Pisa.

Here is the link!

July 6st, 2022

Dr. Antonietta Vilella joins the RESORB project at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia team. She will take care of the histological analysis. Welcome!

June 29th, 2022

The RESORB project is on TV @TgrLeonardo with the sensor developed by the @GBarillaro_Pi team @DII_Pisa. Implantable under skin, thinner than a stamp, biocompatible and bioabsorbable, it will be able to monitor pH level in tissue in real time. 

See the video on youtube: link 

June 24th, 2022

One-year post-doc position open in the group of Prof. Giuseppe Barillaro at University of Pisa on bioresorbable micro and nanostructured (bio)sensors. Details of the call are available at this link - application deadline July 9th, 2022.

Information request can be addressed to:

June 17th 2022

One-year post-doc position open in the group of Prof. Elisabetta Mazzotta at University of Salento on the development of biocompatible hydrogels with tunable biodegradability triggered by an external input. Details of the call are available at this link  - application deadline June 24th, 2022. 

Information request can be addressed to:

May 27th 2022

The RESORB's website is now alive. Thanks Ale!

May 27th 2022

Thrilled to share that Martina's e Alessandro's paper on bioresorbable chemical sensor for pH monitoring in vivo is finally out on Advanced Science. First paper of the RESORB project. Here's the link. Enjoy! 

May 24th 2022

RESORB is on Twitter @resorb_project.  Follow us!

May 2nd 2022

RESORB's kickoff meeting held at the University of Pisa, hosted by the Project Coordinator Prof. G. Barillaro. It was a great meeting to start with, with all the consortium partners attending in person and a full day of stimulating scientific discussions.

April 1st 2022

The RESORB project has officially started. Thanks to EC for funding a 3-year-long groundbreaking research on bioresorbable systems for motoring doxorubicin in-vivo.



This project is funded by the European Union Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 10104694